• Description

    This workshop will illustrate how the SCERTS® framework can help identify goals for learners on the autism spectrum as well as your role as interactive partners across different developmental stages.

    As we support developmental capacities at the different stages (communicating pre-symbolically, emerging language to conversational levels), the important role of the interactive partners in providing transactional support will be highlighted.

    This virtual format is interactive, and participants will have the opportunity share ideas, ask questions, and learn from one another.

  • Learning Goals
    • Identify tools for writing evidence-based goals that include the role of the interactive partner for pre-symbolic communicators (children communicating with body language, gestures, and facial expressions),
    • Identify tools for writing evidence-based goals that include the role of the interactive partner for emerging language communicators (children communicating with speech, picture symbols, sign language or other symbolic systems),
    • Identify tools for writing evidence-based goals that include the role of the interactive partner conversational communicators.
  • Mode of Delivery

    Virtual, Zoom

  • Target Audience

    Teachers/Educators, Therapists and other Professionals working with students/clients on the autism spectrum. It covers individuals across a range of communication levels from early years through adolescence.

  • Fees and Subsidies

    Full fee: S$98.90 per participant
    (inclusive of GST and handout materials)

    For group registration of 10 pax and above, please email to Tan Qiu Quan (qiuquan.tan@autism.org.sg).