AD Hostels provide alternative accommodation for adults with disabilities who are unable to live with their families.
They are suitable for adults with disabilities who are high functioning in their community living skills (e.g. able to travel independently) and do not require institutional care. Priorities are given to those who are employed either in the open employment
or sheltered workshops.
These hostels also offer short-term residential-based training in work and life skills with the aim of helping individuals to resume independent living back at their own homes or in alternative forms of assisted community living.
SG Enable provides referrals to government-funded AD Hostels in Singapore.
Who can Apply
Applicants should be:
- Between 18 and 55 years old#^
- Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents1
- Diagnosed with congenital disabilities of the following nature:
- Be of a high functioning level, independent in activity of daily living and do not require any personal assistance in mobility, feeding, toileting, personal grooming and hygiene and are able to travel independently
- Have a good prognosis of attaining independent life and work skills. Priority will be given to applicants who are employed in open employment or sheltered workshop.
Applicants may not be eligible if they have one or more of the following:
- They have untreated infectious diseases
- They are suffering from serious psychotic disorders and/or serious behavioural problems that require them to be under close individual supervision or nursing care.
# Special needs children of SPED School-going age should be encouraged and assisted to remain in School for as long as possible. Parents of SPED graduands may approach their School to discuss the transition plans of the children prior graduating from
^ Persons with disabilities who are below age 21 would need the consent of parents of legal guardians for their application.
1 For permanent Residents, at least one immediate family members must be a Singapore Citizen. Immediate
family member refers to spouses, parents, children of the applicant, including step-parents and step-children.
How to Apply
Please approach a social worker from a touchpoint (e.g. Social Service Agencies (SSA), hospital and etc.) for assistance in submitting an application for AD Hostel. If you are currently not receiving support from any social service or medical touchpoints, you may approach SG Enable for assistance with submitting an application.
Submission of application to SG Enable by Social Worker (Online or Hard Copy)
Online submission (Recommended)
Log into e-Services using your CorpPass

If required, you may download the forms below for use:
Read More
Sheltered Workshops - Job training and self-enrichment programmes for adults with disabilities
Hard copy submission
Download the application form, print and send together with the required documents
By Post
SG Enable - Adult Disability Services
20 Lengkok Bahru
Singapore 159053
By Email
Upon receiving the referral, SG Enable will contact you to provide information to help you make an informed decision on your choice of service.
Acceptance into the programme at the preferred hostel is subject to the availability of vacancies and approval of the hostel management.
Application Processing
SG Enable will contact you within 10 working days upon receiving the completed application together with the required supporting documents from the touchpoint. SG Enable will also update the social worker who assisted in the application on the status
of the application.
More Information
For more information about AD Hostels, please visit our frequently asked questions page.
To learn more about the hostel programme offered by different organisations, please download the Adult Disability Hostels Service Matrix (PDF).
Have additional enquiries? Contact SG Enable or call 1800-8585-885.