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For adults with disabilities, getting a job is a step towards financial security and participation in society. For help in getting a job, persons with disabilities can refer to SG Enable here.

Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions

Under the CPF Act, employers must contribute CPF if their employees earn more than $50 a month, regardless of whether the employee is working on a permanent, part-time, contract or casual basis.

This applies to employees with disabilities as well. However, persons with disabilities enrolled in Sheltered Workshops are not considered employees and therefore not covered by the CPF Act.

If an employer is not contributing CPF, employees can inform CPF Board by visiting any CPF Service Centre or calling 1800-221-9922.

Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) Scheme

WIS supplements the income of low-wage earners who are Singapore Citizens and currently employed. The government gives employees with disabilities up to $4,200 a year in CPF contributions and cash. The employee does not need to apply for WIS as CPF Board will automatically assesses an individual's eligibility based on CPF contributions, and make the necessary payments.

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