Enhancement to the Taxi Subsidy Scheme (TSS)
From 1 October 2024, the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) will increase the Monthly Per Capita Household Income (PCHI) criteria and corresponding subsidy rates for MSF-funded services and schemes. The PCHI revision aims to improve affordability and ensure that Singaporeans with greater needs receive continued support.
Persons with disabilities can apply for the means-tested subsidy for taxi travel for the purpose of school, work or employment-related training supported by SG Enable. The approved subsidy percentage applies to the total fare for each trip (which covers
additional charges such as booking fees, peak period surcharges and ERP charges).
The subsidy amounts will depend on:
- Whether applicants are Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents;
- Per capita monthly household income (PCHI); and
- Distance travelled between home and school/ work/ training.
Who can Apply
- Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents
- Certified to have a permanent disability of any of the following:
- Physical Disability
- Visual Impairment
- Intellectual Disability
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Certified as unable to take public transport and totally dependent on taxi
- Currently schooling, working or attending employment-related training supported by SG Enable
- Monthly Per Capita Household Income (PCHI) of $3,600 and below
- Annual Value (AV) of residence reflected on NRIC of $21,000 and below for households with no income
- Currently not owning any motor vehicles
How to Apply
Persons interested to apply for the Taxi Subsidy Scheme may submit their application as follows:
- Online via eService (Applicant's SingPass required)

- By Email
Submit the completed application form together with all supporting
documents in one attachment to tss@sgenable.sg.
- By Post
SG Enable - Taxi Subsidy Scheme
20 Lengkok Bahru
Singapore 159053
Required documents:
Read More
VWO Transport Subsidy Scheme - Support for persons with disabilities taking dedicated transport provided by SSAs to access school and care services
- Taxi Subsidy Scheme Application Form (Downloadable)
- Copy of Applicant's NRIC (Front and Back) or Birth Certificate (where applicable)
For Applicant < 21 years old
- Copy of Parent / Guardian's NRIC (Front and Back)
- A passport-size colour photograph of the applicant:
- Taken within the last three months;
- Clearly showing the full front view of face, with sufficient lighting against a white background;
- If submitting online, photo resolution must be 240 x 320 pixels
- Copy of Bank Book / Bank Statement showing the bank name, account number and account payee name in full
- Completed Means Test Declaration Form
Note: You do not need to submit if you have been
means tested within the past one year. If you are unsure on the validity of your means test, please complete a new form.
- Completed Travel Purpose Verification (Part 2 of Application Form)
Note: Please request the school / employer / training provider to provide the required details applicable to you.
- Completed Medical Assessment Report (Part 3 of Application Form)
Note: Please request the Medical Professional to complete the relevant sections in the report that is applicable to you depending on your disability
condition. There will be no refund of any costs / fees incurred to apply for the scheme.
Application Processing Time
The application will be processed within 15 working days upon complete document submission. The TSS Card will be sent out within 2-4 weeks upon final approval. (Note: Issuance of the TSS Card is only applicable to approved applicants utilising the Taxi
Subsidy Scheme for school and/or work.)
More Information
For more information on the Taxi Subsidy Scheme, please visit the frequently asked questions.
Have additional enquiries? Contact SG Enable or call 1800-8585-885.