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Little Anecdotes of my Life

  • I Need a Hug

    We live in a world which can get too stimulating. There is always something needing our attention on our devices: push notifications alerting us to a message or email, an audio beep of an incoming ale...

    913 words
  • Protactile - Communicating with and among the Deafblind

    Image credits: Perkins School for the BlindHave you ever heard of Protactile? A movement that started in Seattle, in the 80s, it is a language that is slowly emerging as a new form of communication am...

    680 words
  • HELLO SIR! at the Enabling Village

    Photo by Helang BooksIn the recent March school holidays, I was invited by Ms Lee Seow Ser, a children’s author to her HELLO SIR! event which was held at the Enabling Village. Ms Lee has written...

    839 words
  • Reflections on Not Without Us: Perspectives on Disability and Inclusion in Singapore

    I am now a published author! I recently had the privilege of contributing an essay to Not Without Us: Perspectives on Disability and Inclusion in Singapore. This book of essays by 22 authors...

    488 words
  • Project Adaptive Fun: Accessible Off-the-Shelf Games (4/4)

    The chips of the Connect Four game are differentiated not just by colour, but by tactile images, increasing the accessibility of the game.This is the last article in the “Project Adaptive Fun&rd...

    686 words
  • Project Adaptive Fun: Fun with Snakes and Ladders (3/4)

    Siew Ling posing with the adapted Snakes and Ladders Game.This is the third article in the “Project Adaptive Fun” series in which Siew Ling, who is deaf-blind, shares the simple adaptation...

    615 words

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