Key Points
- Books, resources, and courses about caregiving are available.
- Start your future care planning early.
- Leave entitlements and flexi-work arrangements can help you manage your career, finances, and caregiving
responsibilities better.
- There are various financial aid schemes and subsidies you can tap on as a caregiver.
There are various ways for you to equip yourself as a caregiver, as summarised in the infographic below.

To increase your knowledge and caregiving skills, you can:
- Attend courses
Formal caregiving training is probably the most straightforward option. Subsidies are available for courses
supported by the Caregivers Training Grant (CTG).
- Self-study
Skills and knowledge can also be acquired from books, library resources and the Internet. Visit Enabling Guide’s
Resources for a non-exhaustive compilation of useful materials such as brochures, infokits and
Watch the video series "Caring Together" to see how two families lend support to each other as they care for their loved ones and how they benefit from continuous learning through their caregiving journeys.
It can be challenging to simultaneously manage your caregiving role and your career and finances. You can consider
discussing flexible work arrangements with your supervisor, using your leave entitlements (including childcare and
family care leave) and taking no-pay leave if you need more time to care for your loved one.
You may also be anxious about who will look after your loved one after you are no longer around. While there is no
simple solution to this, consider future care
planning early to give yourself more runway to make plans and take action. You can start with estate
and financial planning by setting up a trust fund through the Special Needs Trust Company (SNTC) and writing a will.
Actions to take
- Equip yourself with caregiving skills and knowledge through courses and available resources.
- Better manage your caregiving commitments by exploring flexible work arrangements and using your leave